Habit Change – Perspective

Perspective is a peculiar thing.  Two people can describe the same accident and if you read the transcripts of what each one saw, you could think they were describing two completely different events!  Any doubts, just ask a policeman who has taken witness statements!

Perspective is a view and views are subjective.  Next time you are having a discussion with someone who has a differing perspective to yourself, put yourself in their shoes and see the situation from their angle.

You now have two perspectives – yours and the other person.  Next, imagine that you are observing yourself and the other person having the discussion and both of you having different view points.  As the observer, what would your perspective be?

If you learn to look at three perspectives, it can be helpful in seeing the best way forwards, or resolving a disagreement with either compromise or agreeing to disagree.

Being able to see various perspectives is a great asset when communicating with people, whether business or family, friends or colleagues.

Seeing different perspectives can take the heat out of the situation.  It can also help to distinguish fact from fiction.

Changing your perspective is a great asset in habit change.  At the moment your bad habit is serving you well in some way.  By looking at different perspectives, you can discover some benefits of giving up your habit and choosing a good habit to replace it.

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