Procrastination – Maintain Action Instead of Procrastination

Once you have let go of procrastination and are able to do the tasks you want when you want, it is important to maintain this new lifestyle until it becomes a normal way of life.

Put in place a structure to keep you on track.

Support – What support would you like?  Make a note of things you can do to support yourself if you feel the slightest inclination to procrastinate.  It might be to contact a friend who is inspiring.  It could be to have a glass of water and make a plan of action to start in five minutes.  You will have other ideas as to what will support you best.

Acknowledge – Be ready to acknowledge your achievement of overcoming procrastination.  Take yourself through the steps that allowed you to achieve this goal.

Feelings – Remind yourself how you feel when you have completed a task.  Get into that feeling now.

Other Ways to Maintain your active way of life – I would love to know what other ways you maintain your new way of life.

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