Habit Change – Clearing Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are knowing in your mind that a concept is absolutely true, when in fact it is false.

An example might be a belief that you are always a failure.

Look at this more closely – do you really fail at everything?

Are you able to walk or cook or read or have a conversation?

Answer Yes to any one of the above and that shows you are a success in at least one or more areas.

Now that you have discovered that thinking you are a failure is a limiting belief, you can change it to : Sometimes I am a success!

Limiting beliefs are caused by emotional insecurity.  This starts in childhood from the way we perceive experiences and absorb the beliefs from the people around us in our lives. This continues right the way through our lives.

Some limiting beliefs start so young and stay with us into adulthood so we are unaware of them.  At school I was always bottom of the class and took it for granted I was a failure.

Imagine my surprise on joining the Navy and coming top of the class in training.  Was I a latent genius like Winston Churchill or were the other people in my intake even more of a failure than myself.

It was only then that I discovered this limiting belief.

The truth is that I am neither a genius nor thick and stupid.  I have abilities and talents where I succeed and other areas which can be improved when I clear my limiting beliefs and put in positive ones in their place.

Are you feeling tired?

What have you been doing?

If you have been doing chores, then what has been your perspective?

Have you thought this has to be done and I’m doing my duty?  This thought is negative and creates tiredness.

Have you thought about enjoying the task and apreciating what you are doing instead?  This is a positive thought and creates a feeling of satisfaction and positive energy.

If you have a negative thought, how can you change it into a positive one?

There are an infinite amount of limiting beliefs.  The more you clear, the easier it becomes to change bad habits and choose good ones in their place.

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